計算機網路和網際網路 — Data Link Layer

Computer Networks and Internet — Data Link Layer

R4 Cheng
5 min readNov 17, 2020

Version 0.4.1


  • Router and Router 間為一個 link
  • error detection, correction
  • sharing a broadcast channel (使用單一通道傳送資料): multiple access
  • link layer addressing
  • reliable data transfer, flow control


+ Link Layer Services

+ Techniques for Error Detection

+ Multiple Access Links and Protocols

+ MAC address and ARP (位址解析 protocol)

+ Ethernet

+ Hub and Switch

+ Point to Point

+ Virtualization


+ Multi-protocol label switching (MPLS)

+ Reference

Link Layer Services

Framing (打包)

  • encapsulate datagram into frame, adding header, trailer

Trailer: 包含錯誤檢查碼

  • ‘physical addresses’ used in frame headers to identify source, destination => different from IP address!

Link access

  • Media access control (MAC) protocol
  • Coordinate the frame transmissions of many nodes if multiple nodes share a medium

Reliable delivery between adjacent nodes

  • Timeout 重送等等
  • Rare used on low bit error link (fiber, some twisted pair)
  • Always used on wireless links: high error rates => Correct an error locally at link level


  • Flow control
  • Error Detection, Error Correction
  • Half-duplex (能互送 + 不能同時送) and full-duplex (能互送 + 能同時送)

Techniques for Error Detection

  • Parity checks
  • Checksumming methods

Checksumming methods => used at transport layer only

  • Cyclic redundancy checks

Multiple Access Links and Protocols

Two types of “links”:

  • point-to-point
  • broadcast (shared wire or medium)


  • PPP (point-to-point protocol) for dial-up access
  • point-to-point link between Ethernet switch and host

broadcast (shared wire or medium)

  • traditional Ethernet
  • upstream HFC (Hybrid fiber coaxial cable)
  • 802.11 wireless LAN

Multiple Access protocols

  • single shared broadcast channel => 只有一個通道,所以大家一起送資料的話會發生衝撞 (collision)
  • MAP => 決定誰可以送
  • 但是是在同一條通道上決定,沒有另外開通道 (no out-of-band channel for coordination)
  • 方法:TDMA (切時間), FDMA (切空間), Random Access, Taking-turns (802.5, 大家輪流)

Random Access: E.g. slotted ALOHA (from 夏威夷大學, 應該已經被淘汰), ALOHA, CSMA (送資料前先聽聽看), CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA

Taking-turns: E.g. polling, use token run on cycle

MAC address and ARP (位址解析 protocol)

MAC address

  • 又稱 LAN or physical or Ethernet address
  • 資料在 router 間傳送是靠 MAC address 不是靠 IP address
  • 48 bit (vs. IP address 32 bit)
  • 通常不可變更
  • 若要廣播 = FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF (48個1)
  • administered by IEEE
  • 有一部份的 bit 代表來自哪個廠商

How to determine MAC address of B knowing B’s IP address? (如何知道目的地的 MAC address?)

  • Use ARP Table: IP/MAC address mappings for some LAN nodes

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

  1. A wants to send datagram to B, and B’s MAC address not in A’s ARP table.
  2. A broadcasts ARP query packet, containing B’s IP address

=> Destination MAC address = FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF

=> all machines on LAN receive ARP query (大家都要收)

3. B receives ARP packet, replies to A with its (B’s) MAC address

4. A caches (saves) IP-to-MAC address pair in its ARP table until information becomes old (times out)

=> soft state (持續更新 table): information that times out (goes away) unless refreshed

ARP is “plug-and-play”: nodes create their ARP tables without intervention from net administrator (不受 administrator 干預)




  • 802.3
  • dominant wired LAN technology => cheap, fast
  • Unreliable, connectionless service
  • Use CSMA/CD

Ethernet CSMA/CD algorithm

  1. Adaptor receives datagram from network layer and creates frame
  2. If adaptor senses channel idle, it starts to transmit frame. => If it senses channel busy, waits until channel idle and then transmits
  3. If adapter transmits entire frame without detecting another transmission, the adapter is done with frame !
  4. If adapter detects another transmission while transmitting, aborts and sends jam signal

jam signal: make sure all other transmitters are aware of collision; 48 bits; (讓他撞得更嚴重點)

5. After aborting, adapter enters exponential backoff: after the nth collision, adapter chooses a K at random from {0,1,2,…,2m-1} where m = min(n, 10). Adapter waits K*512 bit times and returns to Step 2

exponential backoff = 等等在 try 一次

Manchester encoding

  • 在 Ethernet 上的編碼
  • Used in 10BaseT, 10Base2
  • Each bit has a transition — 1: up to down, 0: down to up
  • Allows clocks in sending and receiving nodes to synchronize to each other

=> no need for a centralized, global clock among nodes! (clock 和 data 混合在一起)

  • Hey, this is physical-layer stuff!


  • physical-layer repeaters (訊號放大器)
  • 沒 buffer (switch 做)
  • collision can be happened
  • no CSMA/CD


  • 應該可以說是 Hub EX
  • Link layer device (不看IP但會處理 MAC)
  • smarter than Hub
  • one switch multiple port = multiple MAC
  • 檢查 source 的 MAC address
  • Use CSMA/CD protocol
  • 隨插即用,不需要設定
  • self-learning
  • Switches 可以彼此連結

Switches vs. Routers

  • Both store-and-forward devices

=> Routers: network layer devices (examine network layer headers)

=> Switches are link layer devices

  • Routers maintain routing tables, implement routing algorithms
  • Switches maintain switch tables, implement filtering, learning algorithms

Institutional network

IP subnet = broadcast domain (若廣播所有藍色內的 host 都收得到)


Point to Point

  • no MAC address

Point to point protocol (PPP, RFC 1557)

  • packet framing (有自己的 data frame): encapsulation of network-layer datagram in data link frame

=> carry network layer data of any network layer protocol (not just IP) at same time

=> ability to demultiplex upwards

  • bit transparency: must carry any bit pattern in the data field
  • error detection (no correction)
  • connection liveness: detect a link failure, signal link failure to network layer
  • network layer address negotiation: endpoint can learn/configure each other’s network address
  • no flow control (降低複雜度)


What is virtualized?

  • two layers of addressing: internetwork and local network
  • new layer (IP) makes everything homogeneous (一致) at internetwork layer
  • underlying local network technology (網路層下層不再重要)

=> cable, satellite, 56K telephone modem (早期), today: ATM, MPLS

=> … “invisible” at internetwork layer. Looks like a link layer technology to IP!

ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)

  • 設計時屬網路層,現在算是連接層
  • 1990年代一個標準
  • 當時目標: integrated, end-to-end transport for carrying voice, video, data
  • 有timing, QoS (Internet 沒有 => best-effort)
  • 連線之前要建連線
  • 傳送最小單位: a cell => 5 byte ATM cell header + 48 byte payload
  • Virtual circuit transport
  • 傳送看 VC identifier (hot destination ID)
  • 兩大類: Permanent VCs (long lasting), Switched VCs (動態)

ATM Adaptation Layer (AAL)

  • “adapts” upper layers (IP or native ATM applications) to ATM layer below
  • AAL present only in end systems (網段末端的 Router), not in switches
  • AAL layer segment (header/trailer fields, data) is fragmented across multiple ATM cells

類比: TCP segment is fragmented in many IP packets

ATM cell

  • In ATM layer (under AAL Layer)
  • 5 byte ATM cell header + 48 byte payload

Multi-protocol label switching (MPLS)

  • 建連線
  • 不看 IP address 看 label (也不看 MAC)
  • 應該也是被 Ethernet 幹掉


[1] 黃能富教授 — 計算機網路概論: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS0SUwlYe8czNZ9rRVFwp-5we8oEoVN0D

[2] 黃能富教授計算機網路概論講義https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qGWvoR6cvZgb_AfKCPQXvk9mEOQQVjlU (私人連結)



R4 Cheng
R4 Cheng

Written by R4 Cheng


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