VS code 筆記

R4 Cheng
1 min readNov 23, 2020


VS code notes


+ Shortcuts

+ Useful extensions

+ Some issues

+ Reference

Shortcuts (快捷鍵)

Useful for me

  1. 顯示/隱藏 側邊攔 (Toggle sidebar): ctrl/cmd+ B
  2. 顯示/隱藏 Terminal (Toggle Terminal): ctrl/cmd + `
  3. 快速切換檔案 (Tab through open files): ctrl/cmd + tab
  4. 快速對齊: Shift + Alt + f
  5. Close file: ctrl/cmd + w
  6. Replace words: ctrl/cmd + h
  7. Global search: ctrl/cmd + Shift + f
  8. Open command pallete: ctrl/cmd + Shift + p
  9. Toggle comments (多欄使用): ctrl/cmd + /
  10. 快速 Navigate Text: 按住alt or ctrl (我是 ctrl)
  11. 向下複製整欄 (Duplicate line): shift+ alt + up or down
  12. Mutiple cursors: 我是 alt+ click
  13. Select words: ctrl/cmd + d

Not useful for me

  1. Open settings: ctrl/cmd+ ,
  2. Quick open a file: ctrl/cmd + p
  3. Move file to split window: ctrl/cmd + \
  4. Select all instance of a selected word: ctrl/cmd + shift + l

Useful extensions

  • Simple React Snippets => for react

Some issues

VSCode always shows type definition and not the actually implementation

Ans: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49197923/vscode-always-shows-type-definition-and-not-the-actually-implementation




R4 Cheng
R4 Cheng

Written by R4 Cheng


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