[Day37] Read Rust Atomics and Locks — A Blocking Type Check Channel
By Mara Bos
At Topic: Chapter 5. Blocking
An Extension of the previous Records: Better Performance of Type Check Channel
Every design and implementation decision involves a trade-off and can best be made with a specific use case in mind.
- Is always treated by the compiler as a
- Does not actually exist at runtime
- A zero-sized type, taking up no space
- A common way to combine with
etc. to removeSend
use std::marker::PhantomData;
struct X {
handle: i32,
_not_sync: PhantomData<Cell<()>>,
Target: Create a blocking channel
How: Put parking pattern in the Receiver
and Sender
Step 1: Referring thread of receiver to the sender and promise receiver cannot be sent to another thread
use std::thread::Thread;
pub struct Sender<'a, T> {
channel: &'a Channel<T>,
receiving_thread: Thread, // New!
// We remove the Send trait to prevent the Sender from refering to the wrong thread
pub struct Receiver<'a, T> {
channel: &'a Channel<T>,
// remove Send trait from the receiver
_no_send: PhantomData<*const ()>, // New!
pub fn split<'a>(&'a mut self) -> (Sender<'a, T>, Receiver<'a, T>) {
*self = Self::new();
Sender {
channel: self,
// the Receiver object we return will stay on the current thread
receiving_thread: thread::current(), // New!
Receiver {
channel: self,
_no_send: PhantomData, // New!
Step 2: The sender unparks the receiver when the sender sends a message
impl<T> Sender<'_, T> {
pub fn send(self, message: T) {
unsafe { (*self.channel.message.get()).write(message) };
self.channel.ready.store(true, Release);
self.receiving_thread.unpark(); // New!
Step 3: The receiver repeatedly waits for messages.
// Before:
impl<T> Receiver<'_, T> {
pub fn receive(self) -> T {
if !self.channel.ready.swap(false, Acquire) {
panic!("no message available!");
unsafe { (*self.channel.message.get()).assume_init_read() }
// After:
impl<T> Receiver<'_, T> {
pub fn receive(self) -> T {
// using "while" becasue the receiver might be woken up by a spurious wakeup
while !self.channel.ready.swap(false, Acquire) {
unsafe { (*self.channel.message.get()).assume_init_read() }