What is OLTP?
- Stands for Online Transaction Processing
- Eg. E-commerce, Banking System, Airline Reservation System
What is Aggregation?
- Database combines mutiple records in a dataset to produce a single result. Eg: SUM, AVG, COUNT, MIN, MAX
What is Conflict Promotion?
Remark: cannot find the explanation of term on the Internet
- When checking, add S lock (eg.
for share
at the end ofselect
) to all read records, until the TX ends. => equal to “Repeatable Read” isolation level
What is Conflict materialization?
Remark: cannot find the explanation of term on the Internet
If there is a parent-child relationship between two tables:
=> All parent tables needs adding locks while reading or writing child table.
- Normalization is quite important in OLTP
- Each Class corresponds to a table, and each Object corresponds to a record
OOP Inheritance in Data Modeling
- Class
and ClassDog
are both subclass of ClassAnimal
- Three Tables should be established: Animal, Cat and Dog, and Add foreign key in Cat and Dog to Animal
Data partitioning
- Some data are old and not necessary no more => move to secondary system from primary system
- Use cron job too slow (too many IO) and waste efficiency => Truncate table instead
BTW, data partitioning and data sharding are two different things
Other Concepts
- Intentional Data Redundancy
- Data Materialization
- Data fan-out