- JSON Web Token 的縮寫
- JWT is just for Authorization not for Authentication
先來區分 Authorization 和 Authentication
Authorization: 在登錄期間,確保為同一使用者 (e.g. session ID in cookie)
Authentication: 認證你的帳密是正確的 (登錄當下)
- JWT 是用來取代 session ID 的位置的
JWT 和 Session ID 最主要的區別是 JWT 不會被儲存在 Server, Server 只負責驗證傳來的 JWT
- All data stored in the JWT is only base64-encoded (not encrypted)
JWT 組成
// Header
"alg": "HS256", // the signing algo
"type": "JWT"
// Payload: Where we store information about
"id": "XXX"
"username": "XXX"
// Verify Signature
Verify Signature
Only the server has the private key to sign the token
JWT Signing Algorithms
Symmetric digital signature algorithm
- Use the same private key to sign and verify the token
- Better for local use, internal services
- Eg: HS256, HS384, HS512
Asymmetric digital signature algorithm
- Use private key to sign the token
- Use public key to verify the token
- Eg: RS, PS, ES
JWT 的優點
- 因為 Server 不必儲存 JWT 所以一組 client 的 JWT 可以在多個不同的 Server 使用
JWT 的問題
- 提供開發者已經過時的演算法
- 竄改 header algorithm (So server should always check the header before verify the token)
[1] Web Dev Simplified (2019). What Is JWT and Why Should You Use JWT